

Tuesday, October 28, 2003


I just did a few changes to my blog site. Weird that it hasn't changed the actual blog yet. I'm going to post something to see if the changes will follow through. :) So PLEASE IGNORE THIS ENTRY :)

Ghostly Post 

Morning in the Office 

Good morning - actually not really. It too early! I woke up at 5:30am today *yawns*. (not that you should care) It looks like 4am in the office right now. It's nice because i can get a lot of things done with out too many disruptions/distractions. Man my desk is such a mess - too many papers and magazines. Cups and mugs. But then again my neighbouring 'cubicle mate's' desk isn't that clean either so it's good. Hey this is the nature of the universe - chaos. Hrmmm my fingernails are getting a bit too long. Actually they're starting to look a bit feral. OH shit I should've cut them. I have a meeting on tonight too dammit!

There are approximately 5 people at their desks right now in my office. Actually that's not counting my friend who is in the shower right now (yes we have a shower at work). OfficeChick1 (I can't really say her name here) is looking mighty fine as always. She gets bothered by a lot of guys at my work - one of only 3 young female engineers in our division. She's really friendly and nice too. But I guess it's because she looks super ultra hot that guys at work buzz around her like flies - I just keep away.

I really wonder how long I'll keep this blog going. Knowing me I don't usually keep to writing for very long. I'm supposed to be a blogger at http://absorb.blogspot.com as well. But I decided to start my own coz I read some guy's blog site and his was like an online journal - so i might as well write one too. I plan to just write stories of things that happen in the office. Not much happens at home because I live by myself at the moment. Trying to find a housemate. *rather not think about it right now*

I better go and do some work now actually no I will have breakfast first mmmmmm instant porrridge.... mmmmmm Blueberry flavour tooo... gotta love technology!

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