

Monday, December 15, 2003

People who touch other people's desk ornaments without asking 

I have a wooden horse. It's a desk ornament given to me by my grandmother. I usually have it facing NE (North-East) - some sort of feng shui arrangement that is supposed to harmonise my work area. Anyways recently I just moved desks - now at a window seat next to the kitchen (not the best place to sit to work but u get to listen into most of the office gossip) and I of course took with me my usual stuff including my wooden horse which I placed facing NE on friday afternoon, so you could imagine the shock and horror on my face when I saw the horse facing the other way this morning! No it wasn't a poltergeist as I later found out. It was the woman sitting next to me.

After the shock had left and I regained composure - I quickly moved my horse back into the harmonising feng shui arrangement that I don't really believe in but had left it that way because it's sorta cool looking. Anyhow, back to the woman sitting next to me, she was showing me how to do my work (becuase I'm new to this section), we were waiting for something to load and she picks it up (my wooden horse)... and turns it around the other way - exactly the way I saw it this morning and she says: "Don't you think it looks better this way?" I said, "No - it's in a feng shui arrangement". She said, "Oh really? You believe in that stuff?!?!". I replied, "No, I just like my ornaments arranged in a way that harmonises the natural flow of energies". -slight pause in conversation- She says, "I have elephants that I arrange funnily". I said, "Oh look it's loaded!" -conversation ends-

OK..Maybe I'm over reacting - but I think some people need to learn a bit about office etiquette or even common courtesy. I should set up more stuff on my desk to entice her to touch. I know what! I'll get a set of Newton's balls and see if she manages to tangle them up by playing with them. Then I can say "Oh geeze my favourite uncle who is no longer with us anymore gave me that and look what you've done!!!"

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Death of a #channel 

What ever happened to the channel #taiwan. Late 2002 and early 2003 it was a hive of activity. Now it's as barren as the artic wastelands and as cold too.

Key players are missing. [congee] left and hardly comes back there anymore. Mey hardly chats in there. The others just login. Occasionally you do get a stream of live conversation. I think everyone has grown out of IRC. I've seen it happen to a-many channels before. First of all it was #hongkong, mainly because of the split from brisbane IRCers to form #inch and #uq. #uq (university of queensland) was quite successful and then fell silent in around 1998 (I beileve) to the birth of #inch. #inch just fell dormant - I remember I was the last one that kept going back. Then #asiacafe started dying even though there's a lot of IRCers in there but there is hardly any conversations in the main. I was also an op in #RnB - sadly this died due to broken friendships and as well as the channel being deregistered and people fighting over who would be channel manager. Eventually it was settled but didn't last long. It's sad to see things die. Although you may think after witnessing so many deaths of IRC channels - I should be use to it. But it saddens me to see them go mainly because of the many good conversations I've had with people in those channels. The many memories and people I've met through them. Actually come to think of it the first IRC channel I witness to die was #hobart. I use to go in there a lot for some reason. I use to chat to this person who I thought was really interesting although I can't even remember her nick or name now. I remember how #hobart died too. The channel Op actually died. Committed suicide with a gunshot to the head. It was on the news and all (so I was told). Anyways shortly after the channel emptied. I wasn't even chatting in the 'asian' type channels then. To my amazement one day I found out there where asian channels. First it was #asiacafe then it was #hongkong. I remember their peak! Text going so fast that it was hard to keep up with. There would be 3-5 conversations happening at the same time! Ah how times have changed - Oz.org was a good server - now it's a ghost town.

Lost Souls 

Hmmm I lost my last two posts! arggh! But it feels better typing out things on my mind. Although none of you get to see it. But what do you care? I don't even care! :)

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