

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chemtrails? WTF? I am so annoyed! 

Wow it's been almost a year since my last blog entry!!!

Anyway I'm so annoyed at some people's ignorance online. It all started when I was reading this article on news.com.au. In short it's about birds somewhere in Perth dropping dead out of the sky apparently in large amounts. Scientists (yeah the actual experts) are baffled to what actually killed the birds. They came up with a few theories such as poisons etc etc.

There are comments sections to some of the articles written on news.com.au - and I decided to reply on the comments thread to someone who theorised that the birds probably died of flying into natural occurring gasses that probably comes out of the ground. While this theory probably could work (highly unlikely though unless they were confined in an area or there was a lot of gas which would not only kill birds but most things in the way) - I just can't believe it and I basically said I think the poison theory is more viable. Nonetheless, I guess my reply didn't sit well with an Andrew of Sydney. Who thought I was being patronising - maybe I was, maybe I wasn't, in any case the guy is stupid ignoramus! He theorises that the birds are dying from a conspiracy theory called 'Chemtrails'. OMFG!!!!! Chemtrails is the most ridiculous thing I've heard!!! It's up there with the Church of Scientology lot. Chemtrail believers claim that governments are trying to conspire against their own populace by 'crop dusting' them with Chemicals - believed to aid in 'mind control'.

Maybe I am writing this blog because I am already being mind controlled by these so called chemtrails wooooo-freaky-shit-wooooo. Gee I'm all for people with their own opinion but not when it's blatantly stupid like that. I would even go so far as believing it an act of God before believing that something called Chemtrails did this.

There is a naturally and scientifically proven fact about what Chemtrails are. Chemtrails are of course the water vapour/condensation that is caused by jet planes flying really fast at high altitudes. Sorta like skywriting but naturally occuring. Which brings me to say to Andrew of Sydney - I am not ignorant - you are - so ner!!! If you know anything basic about science you would not even believe in such non-sense. Why on Earth would a government 'poison' it's people with such a stupid way of delivery. It's costly and non effective - especially if there's a big wind. Think hard - if you were going to poison someone with some mind controlling agent - wouldn't be easier to add it to the water and use something that even water filters cannot filter out. Mind control is easier done in scare campaigns through yes the 'idiot' box (aka the Television in case some ignoramus is reading this) and probably through the Interweb for people like Andrew - since they believe everything they read.


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