

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Another night at home? 

You'd think living away from parents would mean I'd be out partying every night wouldn't you? But it's weird, I find that I hardly go out at night these days. Maybe because my place is so friggin far from the city and I can't be fucked driving to the city to go out. The second is lack of friends who want to go out, or just lack of friends full stop. Where do I find a crowd of friends who would be a good crowd to hang out with?!?! Or is it maybe I'm just too old for going out and partying. Although I do hear stories about 40 y/o going out and partying hehehe. Man I'm a boring person.

A casual coffee...? 

You have to love the Internet. I love it. Anyways that's besides the point. I just asked her out for coffee today except I got rejected again. Although this is better than the last rejection. It has a more valid reason because she's busy and this time instead of 'one day' it was more lets do coffee later this week. This is improvement?!?!? hehehe Ah well I tried. Can't keep asking her out. Someone told me if a girl is really interested in you, all you have to do is ask once and they will make the time! hahaha I guess she's not really that interested. At least it's feedback. Oh I have secured a time after work with her on Wednesday for coffee. Interesting :)

Oh before anybody reading my blog complains about the amount of content I have on my obsession with this girl - Lemme say this to you "Shuddup just shuddup shuddup!" hehehe If you really have to complain about something I write u can simply choose not to read it. I don't have a gun up to your head. This is a personal Blog after all - and this is my mental canvass - I can paint whatever is on my mind. :) I'm sure no one disagrees :)

A call from work... 

Actually it was a call that I made from work to 'her'. (yes the same her i've been talking about). She picked up not knowing who it was which is cool coz you can hear the serious questioning tone in her voice and then the sudden change in tone and pitch as soon as she finds out it's me. I like noticing these things. I'm such an idiot sometimes - but hey it's not my fault I was born an analyser. I analyse things to death as most people who know me will know.

Then I was lost between her words just listening to the sound of her voice. She was as bubbly as ever or trying to be for my sake even though I think she was a bit down because a good friend of her's grandmother passed away today.

Talking to her a bit more I find out that my Drunk Friend whom I've talked about in previous entries, has given her a call. I'm not sure what to make of it now hehehe. The competition is on! May the best man win I say and even if I don't win hey at least I tried.

I was talking to my little brother last night well actually it'd would have been early yesterday morning technically. He's no longer so little anymore. He told me that I should go for it even if I think I don't have the chances. At least then I wouldn't kick myself if I see her down the street with another guy - and that is true. I would be kicking myself (very hard and in the nuts if I could) if I did see her with my drunk friend (btw he's not always drunk just that I have referred to him in previous entries as the 'drunk' friend who wants her) and didn't even have the balls to try to ask her out.

I have thought a lot about the deliverance on how I would ask her. I think I'm just going to ask her over the phone to dinner or lunch or something. Or maybe that drive she reckons I owe her - which in my mind seems to be more like something she owes me :)

Friday, January 30, 2004

Thieves in the Night... 

ARgghh! Can't believe it! Someone stole my MP3 CD Player at work!!!!!! Took it right off my desk. It's hard to believe that someone would steal in this company. I really doubt it's any of the software engineers here. But I guess I can't really blame it on anyone without evidence. In my mind I think it's the cleaners. But the thing is I work here pretty late till 6pm and usually I see the cleaner work the floor. Now I don't feel very secure leaving anything on my desk - lucky the MP3 player wasn't worth a whole lot. Although whoever took off with it wasn't so bright he didn't take the electrical adapter with him... and forget about playing the thing with batteries - it eats batteries!!! Anyways that sucks. Just the other day my other work mate lost her cardigan...who the hell steals a cardigan... hmmm...

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Have you heard this term before? 

Hey guys...

I messaged her like a few days back on ringo.com (lame I know but nonetheless another medium of communication). Anyways I just wrote a smiley uno the semi-colon next to a close round bracket. She replied with "tizzle ma nizzle" hehehe I think it's to do with what her cousin was going on about with Snoop dogg's new album about mizzle or something.. anyways being 'out-dated' I have no idea what it means or maybe she just made it up. Anyways she's a funny chick that's why I like her!

Okay I just did some more research. I think Snoop Dogg mentions something about 'bizzle one's mizzle' is to 'beat one's meat'. So going by that encryption she said "teat my neat" great hehehe... ! She said "teat my neat" to me!!!! Whatever that still means... Women's encryption is hard to crack - us men spend a life time just getting around the Entropy.

Optus Direct Link was down today 

The optus direct link to CSC was down today so no work for me for a whole day! Was sooo boring. Joel what did you do to the link !?!?! hehehe

Anyways moving on to another subject. I invited her [the girl i've been talking about for the past few days] out for a drive last night but I got rejected :( well it was more like a "nah I'm sorry, I'm tired tonight" "but you do owe me a drive around in the stix". So again I don't know what to think about that. No amount of probing can show me if this girl is interested or just very very friendly. This morning I told my friend (someone who I carpool with) about the situation. I told him that I've seen her reject my friend before.

The rejection...
My Drunk Friend: If you like we can go to the Pool Hall in Penrith this monday night (australia day)
Her: Nah I think my friends and I have planned something

I'm like woah my friend got rejected... (I haven't seen him being rejected before)

Anyways back to the point at hand. What I was trying to illustrate was that she didn't say to my rejected friend "Oh but we can do it another day" or any opening like that. My rejection however (and my friend agrees with me on this) seems to be more like if she really was tired (because she worked that day) and that she did genuinely want to go for a ride one day. But the uncertainty of 'one day' makes me think that it was a sugar coated rejection and they are even more worse than a blantant no.

If there are any girls reading this - never ever ever sugar coat a rejection. They should always be straight down the line without ambiguity unless of course your excuse is genuine and you want the guy to not think u have really rejected them :) (something I'm hoping for in this situation).

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Excitement is over 

I think I'm really starting to lower my excitation levels about this chick. I don't want to get all excited over nothing *again*. It has happened before. Nevertheless it will happen again. So I have decided no more excitement. It must be contained at all costs. But she's so cool..... wish I got a chance to get to know her even more...

She Remembers... 

One thing I did forget to mention about last night's call. She did remember my shirt. And a lot of other things. Which is good. I wonder what the next step will be. I think I've ruled out asking her out on Valentine's day... I think it's too cliche-y but then I have this feeling that if I don't someone will ask her. After talking to a few other friends about it - I think I'm looking at the situation much more rationally and take things as they come :) No use getting all excited about nothing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I rang her... 

I rang her and no voice ever sounded so sweet. The moment was truly golden (as corny as that may sound). We talked for more than an hour. I'm suprised we actually talked for so long. Not only is this girl sweet, but she's funny! What more can a guy like me ask for (well her heart would good too). I was so nervous about ringing her tonight - I had to flip a coin ten times to see if I should or not. Luckily, luck was on my side tonight. Heads won and I chose Head!

This is truly a good start to a good year!

Can't get you out of my head! 

That is right - I can't get her out of my head. It's been two days and it's sort of driving my crazy. I'm playing re-runs of Saturday night in my head. Trying to remember everything she said and everything I said to her. But now I think I'm starting to lose a grip of what was really said. Hmmm looks like I'm going to have to call her sometime soon before I go insane! Oh yeah Joel thanks for reading this stuff even though you don't have to.

Australia Day 

I'm proud to be an Australian! Just as proud as my Chinese Vietnamese heritage.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

A Girl I Talked To 

Wow. I met a pretty nice girl last night. I'm still amazed that the conversation was more than the usual "hi my name is [insert name], where do you live?, what do you do?, how old are you?, et cetera, et cetera" And it was the first time I ever asked a girl (that I just met) her number (well from memory anyways and definitely in sydney). I usually don't ask girls their number, unless they give it to me or we've been friends for awhile. It's the shyness but because she was so friendly I didn't have a problem asking. What's furthermore amazing is that she initiated the conversation so I really didn't hit on her which I believe makes it easier for me to talk (not that it became one of those conversations anyways). I must thank this guy who likes her though, he's a friend but got a bit drunk and I think because I was with her a lot last night he got a bit jealous of me and he started telling me that he's got a crush on her but I sorta dismissed him as being drunk. Actually I was walking back to her from buying a drink and my friend pulls me over

My Drunk Friend: Hey I *mumble mumble*!!!!!
Me: Sorry can't hear you what?
My Drunk Friend: I have a crush on *mumble mumble*
Me: *Nods but still dun understand what the guy is saying* You have a crush on who?
My Drunk Friend: I have a crush on [girl's name]
Me: Oh... Okay *smile and walk back to her side*

Me: Hey [girl's name], [my drunk friend's name] just told me that he's got a crush on you...
Girl: What? Don't tell me that! Oh God, yeah he keeps texting me!
Me: What? *laughs*
Girl: I don't even know him that well, I met him like once for 5 seconds before tonight.
Me: Oh... so how did he get your number then?!?!
Girl: He asked [a mutual friend's name]
Me: *laughs* Hey that's pretty funny
Girl: So what did you say when he told you that?
Me: I just said Okay and walked off.
Girl: *laughs* I can't believe he told you that you should've said that I was your girlfriend or something?
Me: *I'm thinking What the? am I in or what? or maybe I'm just sensitive about the whole suggestion but I just smile like a dork*

So anyways all through the night he would keep trying to sit next to this girl and all the while getting annoyed that I got more talk time than him. I'm not sure about him but I believe in equal competition. I mean if two friends like a girl they should feel that it's okay to equally (minus the dirty tricks though) go for the girl - unless of course one decides not to. But once that girl has decided who she would date that's it - the other party will have to give up persuing and also give them his blessing. That's how it works right? Well that's how I see it working if I had to chase this girl - I would and I wouldn't slow down just because a friend is also after her :)

As you can see it was a pretty interesting night, my drunk friend trying to hit on her which made her turn for me for help - couldn't ask for a better situation as seedy as that may sound. The only stupid thing I reckon I did was that I didn't ask for her number when I had a really really good chance! As I said - I don't usually ask girls I've just met for their number. It happened when she mentions that she left her mobile at home and that she hates doing that. I just agree. Then we started talking about mobile phones so I took mine out to show her. Anyways if I had asked her then and there for her number it would have been very tactful. But I was shy as usual and it was in the back of my head but I just didn't act on it. So I had to ask for her number just as she gave me a kiss goodbye which wasn't so tactful and she sorta looked suprised that I asked for it.

I think I amount it to my "Chuck" shirt. From the time I've been wearing it - people always comment on it. I'm not sure because it's extra daggy or because it opens way for a comical conversation. But yes a lot of girls who would never say Hi to me have actually said "Hi Chuck". So in my opinion a shirt that can give you opening conversation with the opposite sex is really quite super. I think I will dub it my "Super Chuck Shirt". Hmmm Super Chuck sounds a bit like Super Chux. Which now sounds like some heavy industrial grade cloth. Okay I think I've done enough babbling this morning. Hmmm early morning Blog Therapy is good hehehe....

Monday, January 19, 2004

Dream me a River.... 

Sitting here deleting documents all day long here in my office - well it's more of a cubicle than a real office. I remember when I did have a real office - with visitor chair and all :) Ahhh those were good days! Which leads to me go on about how much I miss the Good Ol' days on the Brisbane River. Especially the Ferry Ride down the River from St Lucia (University of Queensland) back into the City. Really this is Public Transport at it's best! If any of you ever get to visit Brisbane go for a Ferry ride on a Citycat (that's what they're called) especially at sunset - it's very very nice. I remember my late afternoon lectures - us guys would take the Citycat back into the city instead of taking the bus (because of traffic jam) and the view is stunning - minus the pollution - minus the sardine effect - minus the bumpy ride standing up - minus a lot of other things. I wish I could go for a ferry ride right now. Just up and down the river.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Tony's Movie Review! w00t! 

Okay this is my first movie review ever! (well - ever written that is) And it's going to be on "28 Days Later" directed by Danny Boyle and stars fresh actor Cillian Murphy. Not a new movie but I just saw it and I think it's just out in the video stores (? not too sure ?). A man, Jim (Murphy) who was hit by a car wakes up after 28 days to find the end of the world as we know it. All civilisation has been crushed by a deadly virus.

Set in England, the empty streets of London look especially haunting. Dazed and confused Jim stumbles on some survivors and the movie takes us on a journey of survival. Survival from what you say? Well as I mentioned before, the world was crushed by a deadly virus which actually transforms people into a type of zombie, but unlike typical hollywood zombies - these don't move slowly, they are actually quite nimble. The action is not bad, the story is a little borrowed at times (12 Monkeys) but the construction is truly unique and entertaining especially towards the end.

For an armageddon-cum-zombie movie - I think the story is quite good! 4/5 for story! The soundtrack was hauntingly fitting and plus I liked it - I give it a 3/5. Entertainment value has to be 4/5. Overall I think 4/5. GO SEE IT PEOPLE!

Friday, January 16, 2004

Mmmmm Hokkien Noodles 

Hi. It's been a long time since I've written here. I guess no one really reads this anyways. But I don't really care.

My trip up to brisbane - not sure if I want to talk about that - not that anything bad happen actually quite the opposite - nothing really exciting happened so there isn't much to write about.

Hokkien Noodles have got to be a favourite lately. I sort of rediscovered how much I love Hookien Noodles. How I make my Hokkien Noodles is I fire up the pan (because I don't have a wok that can be used on electric stoves - yeah electric stove suck). Anyways once the oil is heated up in the pan I stick my Hokkien Noodles in. I let the heat start to soften the noodles so they break up. Then I add a little bit of water to help with softening of the noodles (very little). After a bit of pan fry heating - I pour in some sweet soya sauce (Mmmmm yummy!!!) this adds taste and colour. Once the sauce is evenly mixed thru the noodles and I can smell the wonderful aroma, I set the noodles aside in another dish. Wash the pan (important - some ppl are lazy and don't wash the pan/wok and cook - this gives u burnt bits and just not really good). I then proceed to cook up the veges. Cook them until their like 3/4 done. (I usually use brocolli and carrots, baby corns are good too). Again I set aside the veges, cook the meat. The meat (beef topside) has been thinly sliced perpendicular to muscle fibre (ensures tenderness). I find cutting the meat when it's frozen to be the best - you can really cut it really thin when it's a meat-cicle. I marinade the meat with some salt, sugar, MSG, pepper, finely chopped garlic, some potato starch and just a few drops of oil for moisture (usually this is prepared before the actual stir frying of anything). Again the pan is heated with oil, once it's really hot, I throw in the meat. Stir frying the meat until it's just cooked - then I throw in the veges - give it a few stirs - put in the noodles. Stir together well for awhile till the whole thing is heated well. Serve and eat. Voila!!! Hokkien noodles!

mmmmmm Hokkien Noodles!

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